Exploring Azeroth - Northrend

Av Alex Acks

| Del 3 i serien Exploring Azeroth
Exploring Azeroth - Northrend
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Venture into the icy, mysterious tundra of Northrend under the expert guidance of Clan Bronzebeard in this third installment in the wildly popular World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth series!

Ever since the "crown of Azeroth" assumed center stage in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, millions of players have been captivated by the dark, stormy depths of the continent that has become synonymous with the dreaded Scourge. Now, venture into the icy, mysterious tundra of Northrend under the expert guidance of Clan Bronzebeard in this third installment in the wildly popular World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth series!


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