Naruto's rival, cuter than you've ever seen him before!
Uchiha Sasuke, the brooding loner who will do anything to avenge his clan and kill his older brother. Yes, this is his story, but with a hilarious twist! In Naruto: Chibi Sasuke's Sharingan Legend, the characters and story have been flipped on their heads, all for the sake of comedy! With his Taka teammates Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo, Sasuke travels the land and gets into all kinds of wacky adventures. This is a side of Sasuke you've never seen before. One bit of advice: do not mock the Uchiha!
Elite ninja Uchiha Sasuke travels the land with his teammates, searching for his brother Itachi. Pillow fights, video games, Christmas parties. There's nothing this ninja won't do to avenge his clan!
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