Throne of the Fallen

Av Kerri Maniscalco

| 2023
Throne of the Fallen
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The Prince of Envy has never claimed to be a saint. But when a cryptic note arrives at his demon court, signalling the beginning of a deadly game, he knows it will take more than a hint of sin to win. Riddles, hexed objects, anonymous players, nothing will stand in his way.

Camilla is an artist with troubles of her own: a desperate mistake has landed her in debt to a notorious rake. Threatened with ruinous scandal, she is forced to enter a devil's bargain with Envy. A bargain that reveals secrets and ignites passions that neither of them expects.

Together, Envy and Camilla must embark on a perilous journey through the underworld - from glittering demon courts to the sultry vampire realm and beyond - while trying to avoid the most dangerous trap of all: falling in love.

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Pocket (2024)
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