This Savage Song (Collectors Edition)

Av V E Schwab

| 2016 | Del 1 av 2 i serien Monsters of Verity
This Savage Song (Collectors Edition)
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Dangerous and compelling, dark and brooding, this is classic urban fantasy, full of vampiric monsters, forbidden romances and life-changing consequences.

A gorgeous collector's hardback edition of the first book in the Monsters of Verity duology, featuring gorgeous new jacket artwork, perfect for any Schwab fan's bookcases.

Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city, a grisly metropolis where the violence has begun to create real and deadly monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the inhabitants pay for his protection. August just wants to be human, as good-hearted as his own father?but his curse is to be what the humans fear. The thin truce that keeps the Harker and Flynn families at peace is crumbling, and an assassination attempt forces Kate and August into a tenuous alliance. But how long will they survive in a city where no one is safe and monsters are real…

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Pocket (2016)
179 kr Läs mer


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