Brädspelskväll med International Board Gamers

International Board Gamers är en förening vars syfte är att genom brädspel låta dig finna nya vänner från hela världen. Var annan fredag är vi otroligt glada att välkomna dem till Café Sirius!

Platserna till evenemanget är på drop-in och det är först till kvarn som gäller. Vi tar ej emot förhandsbokningar á International Board Gamers räkning.


International Board Gamers is an association with the purpose of helping others to make new friends, especially with people from various corners of the world. Any type of game is welcome so feel free to bring that old one you love or that brand new one you wish to try out. If you don't have any game to bring it's totally fine to pick one available at Café Sirius or to simply join a table playing something you're interested in. When you arrive just stop by the entrance table and our organizers will take care of you. This gaming event follows a couple of simple rules:

 The event is free but please buy food and/or drinks at Café Sirius as a "thank you" for allowing us to be there. They will be selling food, drink, snacks etc. until 21:30. The café and event closes at 22:00. And please keep in mind that we can't allow bringing food or drink with you.

Due to fire safety reasons, there is a strict limit of 85 people for each event, so there might be a risk (a low one, but still) that you will be asked to come another time instead. Many people leave after just a short while and it doesn't hurt to come by and see!

 We use English as our primary language. The reason is that we want to be able to welcome as many people as possible. Many participants have just arrived in Gothenburg (students, new employees...) and don't speak Swedish yet.

Our gaming tables are open to everyone: every time we start a game, anyone is welcome to join and we don't limit attendance to just the people we know.

When possible feel free to switch gaming partners during the evening so as to play and meet various people.

Please bring your name tag if you already have one. If you don't have one yet, we will give you one. You will also be given a plastic holder to keep it in during the event, these plastic holders are quite expensive so please return them after the event.

If the front door to the shop is closed, go around the building to Magasingatan 18A; it's an entrance to an office building and a back door to the café. Once there, call the number indicated on the door and we'll come open for you. Also, try to come earlier next time.

To give the organizers time to also sit down, make friends and play board games, our organizers will be less focused on organizing after 19:00 (but will of course help out when it's time to wrap up). If you are a first-timer, we ask you to come before 19:00 if possible. If not possible, then please send us a message or add a comment and someone will welcome you when you arrive.

You can find more information about us and our event by following the link below

fredag, mars 17, 2023

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