Serie The Fable Omnibus

Mannen känd som The Fable anser sig själv vara ett geni när det kommer till att ha ihjäl folk. Bara hans namn sprider skräck i yakuzan. Efter en ovanligt våldsam period råder The Fables boss honom att ligga lågt en tid. Han måste nu anpassa sig till en normal och lugn vardag. Kommer han kunna anpassa sig eller är lockelsen till den undre världen för stark?

The man called The Fable is a self-proclaimed “genius at killing.” The mention of his codename strikes fear into the hearts of every yakuza in Japan. His talent has brought him everything he could want: money, respect, purpose. But this is no legend. He’s just a man–a rather irritating man who loves stupid jokes and bad TV.

After a bloody period of gang enforcement in Tokyo, the Fable’s boss advises him to lie low and enjoy his earnings for a while. So begins the Fable’s toughest mission yet: a full year living a normal life, at the other end of the bullet train, in Osaka. It’s a mission he takes on with his usual professionalism and rigor. But can the Osaka mob let this legend rest? Or will they be unable to resist pulling him back into the underworld?

Omnibus edition includes Vol. 1-2.

- Texten syftar på första delen i serien.


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