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- Terra Ignota
- Tess of the Road
- That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Light Novels
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- The Accidental Medium
- The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi
- The Age of Blood
- The Age of Ire
- The Age of Madness
- The Age of Tyranny
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- The Ashes of Thezmarr
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- The Blackwater Saga
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- The Bone Spindle
- The Bone Witch
- The Boogeyman
- The Book of Dust Trilogy
- The Book of Hidden Things
- The Book of Lost Things
- The Book of Tea
- The Books of Babel
- The Bounty Hunter Wars
- The Branded Season
- The Bridge Kingdom
- The Broken Blades
- The Broken Earth
- The Broken Empire
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- The Calder Academy
- The Captive Prince Trilogy
- The Captive's War
- The Chronicle of the Fallers
- The Chronicles of Alice
- The Chronicles of Castellane
- The Chronicles of Osreth
- The Cinder Spires
- The City of Fantome Series
- The Classified Dossier
- The Clocktaur War Duology
- The Codex Alera
- The Council Trilogy
- The Courting of Bristol Keats
- The Covenant of Steel
- The Crowns of Ishia
- The Cruel Stars
- The Cthulhu Casebooks
- The Culled Crown
- The Curse of Saints
- The Curse Workers
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- The Dagger and the Coin
- The Dandelion Dynasty
- The Daoshi Chronicles
- The Dark Artifices
- The Dark Fable
- The Dark Pantheon
- The Dark Tower
- The Darkening
- The Darkest Minds
- The Darkness Outside Us
- The Dawn of the Witch (light novel)
- The Death Chronicles
- The Deed of Paksenarrion
- The Deepwater Trilogy
- The Demon Cycle
- The Demonwars Saga
- The Demonwars Saga 2
- The Demonwars Saga: The Buccaneers
- The Desert Magician's Duology
- The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong
- The Divide
- The Doomed Earth
- The Downworld Sequence
- The Dragon Heart Legacy
- The Dragon Lords
- The Dragon Scales Trilogy
- The Dragons of Deepwood Fen
- The Dragonwar Saga
- The Dreamer Trilogy
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- The Drizzt Series
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- The Drowned World
- The Druid Chronicles
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- The Echo Archives
- The Edge
- The Eldest Curses
- The Eminence in Shadow Light Novels
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- The Endsong
- The Ephemeral Scenes of Setsuna's Journey Light Novels
- The Eternity War
- The Everlands Trilogy
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- The Expanse
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- The Extraordinaries
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- The Faithful and the Fallen
- The Farseer
- The Fifth Realm
- The Final Architects Trilogy
- The Fionavar Tapestry
- The Fire That Binds
- The Fireborne Blade
- The Firemane Saga
- The First Druids of Shannara
- The First Law
- The First Planets
- The Fitz and the Fool
- The Five Crowns of Okrith
- The Folk of the Air
- The Forest Grimm
- The Forest of Good and Evil
- The Forever Sea
- The Formic Wars
- The Forsaken Tilogy
- The Founding of Valdemar
- The Four Horsemen
- The Four Winds
- The Frost Files
- The Gentleman Bastard Sequence
- The Gilded Ones
- The Gilded Wolves
- The Girl I Saved on the Train Light Novels
- The Glacian Trilogy
- The God-King Chronicles
- The Gods Below
- The Gods-Touched Duology
- The Golem and the Jinni
- The Good Luck Girls
- The Grand Illusion
- The Grandest Game
- The Graven
- The Great Library
- The Great Silence
- The Greenhollow
- The Grisha
- The Half King
- The Halfling Saga
- The Han Solo Trilogy
- The Handmaid's Tale
- The Herald Spy
- The Heritage Trilogy
- The Hexologists
- The Hidden Legion
- The Hild Sequence
- The History of Middle Earth
- The Hollow King
- The Horus Heresy
- The Horus Heresy: Characters
- The Horus Heresy: The Siege of Terra
- The House in the Cerulean Sea
- The House of Atreus
- The House Witch
- The Hunters Blade
- The Hurricane Wars
- The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
- The Immortal Sorting
- The Infernal Devices
- The Inheritance Trilogy
- The Interdependency
- The Invisible Library
- The Isles of the Gods
- The Ivory Key
- The Jedi Academy Trilogy
- The Kamogawa Food Detectives
- The Kept Man of the Princess Knight (light novel)
- The Keys to the Kingdom
- The Kharkanas Trilogy
- The Kindom Trilogy
- The Kindred’s Curse Saga
- The Kingdom of Three Duology
- The Kingkiller Chronicle
- The Kings of Avalier
- The Kystrom Chronicles
- The Labyrinth
- The Language of Magic
- The Last Binding
- The Last Bloodcarver
- The Last Finestra
- The Last King of Osten Ard
- The Last Legacy
- The Last War
- The Laundry Files
- The Lazarus War
- The Legacy of the Mercenary King
- The Library Trilogy
- The Liveship Traders
- The Locked Tomb
- The Long Earth
- The Lost Bride
- The Lost Fleet
- The Lost Stars
- The Lot Lands
- The Lotus Kingdoms
- The Luminaries
- The Lunar Chronicles
- The Malazan Book of the Fallen
- The Mermaid, the Witch and the Sea
- The Middlemist Trilogy
- The Mimosa Confessions
- The Mirror Realm Cycle
- The Mirror Visitor Quartet
- The Misfit of Demon King Academy light novels
- The Mistlands Duology
- The Moon Blood Saga
- The Moontide Quartet
- The Murderbot Diaries
- The Mystic Trilogy
- The Nameless Republic
- The New Jedi Order
- The Newsflesh
- The Night and its Moon
- The Night Rebel
- The Night's Dawn
- The Nightingale and the Falcon
- The Nightmare-Verse
- The Nightrunner Series
- The Notorious Virtues
- The Numair Chronicles
- The Old Kingdom
- The Old Republic
- The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter (light novel)
- The Others
- The Otherworlder Exploring The Dungeon
- The Ouroboros
- The Outside
- The Pendragon Cycle
- The Peri Reed Chronicles
- The Plated Prisoner
- The Poison Wars
- The Poppy War
- The Powder Mage Trilogy
- The Powerless Trilogy
- The Queens of Fate Trilogy
- The Queens of Renthia
- The Queens Rising
- The Quest for Heroes
- The Radiant Emperor
- The Rage War
- The Rain Wild Chronicles
- The Raven Cycle
- The Raven Rings
- The Raven's Mark
- The Raven’s Trade
- The Ravenhood
- The Ravens
- The Ravensong Series
- The Reborn Empire
- The Redwinter Chronicles
- The Reluctant Vampire Queen
- The Revenant Games
- The Rift Walker
- The Riftwar Legacy
- The Rime Chronicles
- The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.
- The Rising World
- The River City
- The Roots of Chaos
- The Runes of War
- The Sacred Stones
- The Saga of the Unfated
- The Saint of Steel
- The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Light Novels
- The Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures
- The Sanctuary of the White Friars
- The Sand Chronicles
- The Sanford Files
- The Sarantine Mosaic
- The Scapegracers
- The Scarlet Alchemist
- The Scarlet Revolution
- The Scarlet Throne
- The Scarlet Veil
- The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Novels
- The Second Formic War
- The Seraphim Trilogy
- The Serpent Gates
- The Shadow Age
- The Shadow Histories Series
- The Shadows Between Us
- The Shards of Magic
- The Shattered Kingdom
- The Shattered Lands
- The Shattered Star Legacy
- The Shepherd King
- The Shroud of Prophecy
- The Silent Gods
- The Sisters Grimm
- The Skybound Saga
- The Solaris and Crello Trilogy
- The Soldier Son
- The Song of the Lioness Quartet
- The Song of the Shattered Sands
- The Soulbound Saga
- The Soulfire Saga
- The Soulkeeper
- The Southern Reach
- The Stolen Heir
- The Stormlight Archive
- The Stranger Times
- The Sumerians
- The Summoner's Circle
- The Sun Chronicles
- The Sunbearer Duology
- The Sunken Archive
- The Sword of Truth
- The Tainted Blood
- The Tale of Shikanoko
- The Talents
- The Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
- The Talon Duology
- The Tawny Man
- The Themis Files
- The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic
- The Third Daughter
- The Thorne Chronicles
- The Thrawn Trilogy
- The Threadmender Chronicles
- The three
- The Three Realms
- The Three-Body Problem
- The Tithenai Chronicles
- The Torch Trilogy
- The Traitor Spy Trilogy
- The Tuonela Duet
- The Twisted Tree
- The Tyrant Philosophers
- The Undetectables
- The Universe After
- The Unorthodox Chronicles
- The Unseen World
- The Up-and-Under
- The Vagrant
- The Vagrant Gods
- The Vampire Chronicles
- The War Arts Saga
- The Warden Series
- The Warring Gods
- The Wars of Light and Shadows
- The Watchers
- The Watchmaker of Filigree Street
- The Water City
- The Way of the Drow
- The Wells of Sorcery
- The Wheel of Time
- The Wheel of Time Prequels
- The Wicked Years
- The Wildersongs Trilogy
- The Wind-up Garden
- The Winnowing Flame Trilogy
- The Winter Sea
- The Winternight Trilogy
- The Witch's Compendium of Monsters
- The Witches of Thistle Grove
- The World Bows Down Before My Flames Light Novels
- The World of the Narrows
- The Wrath and the Dawn
- Their Bright Ascendency
- There's No Freaking Way I'll be Your Lover! Unless... Light Novels
- These Hollow Vows
- These Monstrous Gods
- These Witches Don't Burn
- This Poison Heart
- This Woven Kingdom
- Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu
- Thrawn
- Thrawn Ascendancy
- Threads of Power
- Threads That Bind
- Throne of Glass
- Thursday Next
- Tide Child
- Tides of Magic
- Tillu the Healer
- Time Lord Victorious
- Time's Shadow
- Tinkered Starsong
- Titanium Noir
- Tokyo Ghoul Novels
- Tomes & Tea
- Too Many Losing Heroines! (Light Novel)
- Traitor's Trilogy
- Trans Wizard Harriet Porber
- TransDimensional Hunter
- Transformation
- Trinity
- Twilight Saga
- Twin Crowns
- Two of Swords